Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm a Big Girl Now!

I went to Keri's website today and this is what I saw!!!
Here is the caption with the photos in Keri's words:
"Okay so we just had lunch and Hope decides to spit chicken and noodles at me. This was her way of telling me she did not appreciate being feed off of a spoon while every body else had the good stuff!!! So I made her a big girl plate with green beans, peaches, ham and crackers. She sat there and clapped her little hands!! I think I made her happy. She then dumped the plate over and tried to eat it. So I took the plate away and she ate her food off the tray of the high chair!!"

Monday, October 27, 2008

Toothless No More!!

Well our toothless wonder has officially cut her first tooth! One of her bottom teeth just broke thru the skin last Friday and it looks like another one is coming in right next to it! She is really wanting to feed herself instead of us feeding her, so last night we gave her banana and avocado. She is growing up so fast!!
Yesterday, we had our first playdate with Ella and Jaley at the park. Ella is 4 months older and Jaley is 2 1/2 months older. They all had a great time playing together! These girls will all be in the same class growing up, so this is the first of many good times together! I have a photo of all three when Hope was born, I will try to post later!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Driving Miss Hope

Last Friday (10-10-08) I went to pick up Hope from Day Care and this is what I saw! My big girl driving the coupe!!! She could only go backwards, but she did it and was having a blast!! Luckily I scored one of these fancy coupes at a garage sale a few weeks ago, so we have one at home she can play with too!!
This week, she is starting to stand on her own without holding on to anything. It may only be for a few seconds, but she is learning to balance on her own two feet. She is walking behind her toys and likes to hold on to our fingers while walking too. Her main choice of transportation is crawling and she is FAST!!! She looked like a wounded grasshopper when she first started crawling... she would kick out her back right leg and try to straighten it while crawling. It was so funny! She still does it every now and then.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Keri just sent me this photo of Hope. Apparently she ran out of gas while playing in her exersaucer this morning. So cute!! Thanks for sending this Ms. Keri!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

My Little Pumpkin

Okay, Ms. Keri just sent me this photo of my little pumpkin!! So cute, I just had to share.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Holding Bottle and New Standing Toy

Everyday is another new milestone! Hope has started holding her own bottle recently. She doesn't hold it everytime or even half the time, but she is trying. You can see she can even hold it with both her hands and feet!! She is also pulling up and standing on anything and everything she can she can get her hands on. Oh, the bumps and bruises!! When she does fall, we like to tell her "TA DA!!" instead of the typical "Uh Oh". If she gets her coordination from me, then she will have lots of "Ta Da's" in her future!! I got her this new toy yesterday and she LOVES it! She played with it over an hour last night and then again this morning. (Sorry one video is sideways, I didn't realize I couldn't rotate video after it has already been shot- you may have to turn your head sideways to see that one!!)