Well, Daddy had his first official weekend away from Hope and he sure missed her!!
He went on the annual guys weekend and guided fishing trip in Rockport. When I got home Friday evening from work, Wayne had these two notes for us. Mine was on the mirror in the bathroom and Hope's was in her bed.
Friday night, Hope and I went to her first wedding. It was on 8-8-08 at 8pm. She was good and didn't utter a peep thru the ceremony! Thank Goodness!! We left around 9pm as it was her bedtime and she was getting tired. Then on Saturday, I dropped her off at Granny and PoPo's as I had to work. Reed and Emily were there to play with her and help. They just love Hope and really do help with keeping her busy and even changing diapers!! I picked her up that afternoon and we went to the Huette's Ranch and went swimming with Kaley, Jenny and Jaley.
After swimming, we went to Kaley's house for Pizza and a Movie. Hope fell asleep at 8pm, she was TIRED!!!
Then on Sunday evening, we went to the Church Picnic. Daddy put Hope's name on 6 raffle tickets and wouldn't you know it, they drew her name!! She won a $50 gift certificate to a local tire and battery company, so Daddy is going to buy that from her and put the money in her college fund!! What a busy weekend!! Hope was excited to go to Ms. Keri's on Monday so she could relax and get some rest!!
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