Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Yesterday when I went to pick up Hope from Ms. Keri's, Keri showed me something so amazing!! She pulled out these ABC flashcards and had letters A thru N lined up. She proceeded to ask Hope to sound out the letters while pointing at each letter. Keri did NOT tell Hope the names of each letter, all she did was point and Hope proceeded to sound out each letter as Keri pointed to it. I stood there with my mouth on the floor in total amazement. Hope went thru each letter and sounded each one out (not named the letter, but made the sound each letter makes). She did stumble on a few letters... F, H and K, but she nailed all the others. I still am in awe that my 19 month old daughter knows how to sound out the first half of the alphabet!! She amazes me each day! We are so blessed to have Ms. Keri as a second mommy! I don't know how she does it with all the kids she cares for, but they all get so much love and attention, not to mention all the fun projects, activities and learning they do!! I hope and pray all of our kids will have the opportunity to go there and experience what Hope is experiencing!!

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