Hope and Mason had their official first date on Saturday evening. Mason's parents needed a sitter, so we gladly watched him. We took Hope and Mason to Grammy and Papa's Christmas Party in Columbus where Papa was going to be Santa Clause. On the way there, they held hands in the car the entire 20 minute ride. Once we got there, Papa (not dressed like Santa yet) took both kids by the hand (one on each side) and walked into the building. I wish I had taken a photo of them walking, it was so cute! He is such a good Papa! So we visited with Grammy and Papa and colored a bit. Many people walked up to us and wondered if they were twins. We introduced Mason as Hope's boyfriend. Grammy asked Hope if Mason was her boyfriend and she said "yes!". Grammy told me that Hope has good taste! Mason is a cutie! A little while later, Papa had to leave and then Santa appeared. Hope was intrigued and Mason ran right over to me and froze. He was a little nervous to say the least. Santa proceeded to hand out gifts and each child sat on his lap and opened their gift one by one. They left Hope and Mason until the end so they could see what the other children were doing. When it was Hope's turn, she immediately walked up to Santa and sat on his lap. I couldn't believe it! She sat there the entire time and opened her gift as we all snapped photos and I cried a bit! We were so proud of her. She was such a big girl. Then it was Mason's turn and he was so scared, poor thing. We had Hope go and get his present from Santa and bring it to him. He loved the gift, but wasn't quite sure what to think of the man in the big red suit. So the children's party was over and the adults were about to do their white elephant gift exchange and we decided to go ahead and leave. Hope and Mason held hands about 1/2 the way home and apparently Mason didn't want to hold hands anymore. Hope kept calling Mason's name and asking for his hand. It was so funny... she can be a bit demanding! As we are turning down our street, I asked Hope if she saw Grammy and she said "yes". I asked her if she was Papa and her response was "Papa Santa Clause". I looked at Wayne to see if he heard what I heard and I asked her "Who was Santa Clause" and she replied "Papa!". That little smartie know that Papa was Santa Clause! We couldn't believe it. We guess she recognized his voice. Mason's parents came over to pick up Mason and we sat around and talked for a while and then gave the kids a bath together and got them ready for bed and Mason went home! It was a wonderful evening and both kids were great! All Hope could talk about on Sunday was Mason, Mason, Mason. When she talked to Granny (or Grammy, I can't remember which one it was) on the phone on Sunday, she mentioned Mason and said "boyfriend" right after his name. Then later, Hope and I were laying in our bed watching TV and she said out of the blue "I love Mason" and smiled at me. I asked her if she loved Mason and she looked at me and said "yes" with a huge smile! Young love!!! Daddy isn't quite too sure what to think about his little girl being in love already!! Just wait dad, if you think it is hard to handle now, just wait until she is about 15 or so! Let's just hope she is still in love with Mason as he is a good kid and has a good family!! We love Mason too!
Camp Invention.mp4
10 years ago
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