Wednesday, June 17, 2009

15 Month Check Up

Yesterday, Hope had her 15 month check up and had two more shots.
She weighs 23.8 pounds (50-75th percentile), Head Circumference is 18 1/4 (50-75th percentile) and is 32 1/2 inches tall (95th percentile). Dr. said Hope currently is cutting 8 teeth. Her two top molars have been coming in and aren't completely out yet, her two bottom molars are just barely peeking thru the gums and then 4 others (incisors maybe? I can't remember??). That explains the rough night she had the other night!! Good thing for Motrin, it eased her pains and allowed her (and us) to go back to sleep. Poor thing!! I hate seeing her in pain.

She is talking more than ever and starting to put words together to make little sentences. "Mommy Bye-Bye," "Dada Outside".

Mr. Kenny is Ms. Keri's husband and he has been home over the past month recovering from shoulder surgery. One day Hope started calling him "Honey" which is what Keri calls him. This week "Honey" went back to work, so Hope doesn't get to see him everyday like she is used to. Keri said yesterday Hope told Kenny "Honey, I miss you!". When Keri told me about it yesterday afternoon, I questioned if that is really what she said and was still a little skeptical... UNTIL.. last night when we got home, Hope told Wayne "Daddy, miss you!". Then this morning she said "I miss Austin".
She is just growing and changing so much everyday!! We are still amazed what what an amazing little person she is!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Poo Poo"

Last Friday I went to pick up Hope at Ms. Keri's and she proceeded to tell me about what Hope did that day. Hope went up to Ms. Keri and said "Poo Poo", so Ms. Keri checked her diaper and there was nothing in it. Hope then walked away and swatted and made "Poo Poo" in her diaper. Can you believe that?? Ms. Keri said she truly regrets not putting her on the potty right away as she feels pretty confident she would have gone. We just didn't know she was at that level yet. I was so amazed!!
I guess she is starting to catch on!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Tristan!

Yesterday was Tristan's birthday and Hope enjoyed some of his yummy chocolate cake!
She would say "Happy TisTan"... she couldn't quite say "birthday" yet.
Happy 11th Birthday Tristan!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hope 15 Months

Here are some photos I wanted to share that were taken over the past few weeks of our growing girl! She is talking all the time and using so many words. She is still using sign language for the words she can't verbally say yet. This week she also started shaking her head "yes" and "no" to answer questions. She is a smart cookie and her brain is always working! Wayne was so impressed with her the other day... he showed her a spider and she started doing the hand movements to "Itsy Bitsy Spider". It truly is amazing how they can absorb everything they see and hear!

I found this Tony Romo Jersey the other day and couldn't resist getting it. Daddy is a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan. I pulled her hair back in a pony tail and she just looks so grown up. The jersey is just a little too big for her, but I think they are meant to fit a little big. She is so stinkin' cute!!

Hope watched Daddy mow the neighbor's pasture with the "tracKtor", so we put her on it and she had a good time.

Christina graduated from high school last weekend. Hard to believe she is all grown up! We are very proud of you Christina!!!

Here are a few photos of Hope at Grammy and Papa's house last weekend.

Papa looks good and is getting stronger everyday! Isn't this the sweetest photo ever??

Sunday, we went to Granny and Popo's house and Hope and her cousins (Emily and Austin) and neighbor (Michael) played in the sprinkler. Afterwards, Granny pulled out the watermelon and the kids ate it up fast!