Thursday, November 11, 2010

Long Time No Write...

Okay, it has been forever since I have written on this blog. A lot has changed since I last posted. Little Miss Paige is now here and we are so incredibly blessed!! Part of the reason why I didn't journal my pregnancy is because I was so afraid something would happen during my pregnancy and I just didn't want to have it public.
But now that she is here and healthy, it is time to start blogging again so I can remember these precious times and the girls (I love saying that) will have these memories in my words forever!! Soooo... here goes...

Paige is officially 4 months old today and is such an amazing baby! We have been so blessed to have two easy babies. Hope just ADORES her baby sister. She calls Paige her baby which I think is so incredibly cute!!
I am not going to try catch up and detail everything since I last posted, but I do have a funny story I need to jog down so I don't forget it. Hope is so articulate and so smart, not bragging, but she really is! She says the funniest things sometimes. So I have to tell you about an incident that happened at Walmart a few weeks after Paige was born. Hope was in the basket and I had to get something in the women's department since I had just had a baby and all... so here we were in the feminine product section. I put a package of pantiliners in the basket and Hope says in a really loud innocent children's voice... "Are those pads mommy?" "Yes, Hope those are pads..." "Are those pads Mommy for your big girl panties!!!???" "Yes, Hope, thank you for telling everyone at Walmart about the pads for mommy's big girl panties." I thought the lady next to me was going to fall over laughing!! It was so funny! A few years ago, I probably would have been embarrassed, but I thought it was too funny!!

So last night, I was snuggling with Hope in her bed before bedtime and she said so sweetly... "Mommy, you are the best mommy ever!" Talk about melting your heart!! Then she said "You are a great Mommy and a nice Mommy!" I guess I am doing something right!! :) She is such a sweetheart! Everyone asks how she is adjusting with Paige and she is adjusting just fine. Regression on the potty training, but other than that she just wants to hug and kiss on her all the time.
Paige looks just like Hope except she has strawberry blonde hair. Hope had red hair when she was born, but it all fell out and came back blonde. Paige never lost any hair, but she does have a little bald spot now from where she rubs her head on the sheets. Paige has such long, beautiful eye lashes and bright blue eyes. She belly laughed for the first time on Saturday, October 30th. Ms. Annie came over to pick pecans and we were sitting on the outdoor swing. Hope wanted to play with her ball, so we were "popping it" up in the air like a hot potato and laughing and then all the sudden, from the depths of her belly, Paige starts laughing. This made us all laugh and made her laugh more. So that evening, when Kate and Janis were over, we did it again hoping she would laugh and sure enough, she did. We even got Daddy in the room to see it and then he also got it on video. Then the next Wednesday, Paige rolled over for the first time. I can't believe she is already 4 months old!! Having already had a baby, I now know how quickly the time passes and we are trying to savor each and every moment. We are hoping she isn't going to be our last baby, but you never know. We absolutely LOVE being parents! We know we waited a long time to have children and I have often heard parents say they don't want to be 60 when their children get out of high school or college and raise kids their entire lives, but what an honor to do that! I would welcome it!!! Being a mother has been the MOST AMAZING experience I have ever had and I feel so incredibly blessed God choose me to be Hope and Paige's mommy.

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