Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Hope is officially 9 months old!! Hard to believe so much time has passed! I never really had a concept of time until I had her. You don't realize how quickly each day passes until you see it in a growing child.
She is really starting to understand words now and she is even signing back to us. She knows how to sign "eat" or "hungry" and "more" and of course "bye bye".
Last week, Hope started taking her first steps on her own. Two Steps at a time!!
Friday was Wayne's birthday and Hope started calling him "Da Da". What a wonderful birthday present!!
Then on Saturday night, Granny and PoPo came over to watch her while Mommy and Daddy had a night out and she took Three Steps for them!!!
Each day is something new and wonderful. I literally thank God everyday for such a beautiful, healthy and happy baby. We have much to be Thankful for this year.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you too!

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